The goal of this project is to build an application
to simulate a three-dimentional robot arm. This application will be able
to move each part individually or set positions, so that we can animate
the movement from one stored position to other position. The whole application
will be written in Java using his API Java3D, the VRML models are created
using CAD application I-DEAS. This project began as part of the "X-Weeks
'03" at the
(University of Applied Sciences, Fribourg - Switzerland).
The RoboSim team:
is a screenshot of the application running on Sun's Solaris
This program is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
For more details
click here
- J2SE SDK -> Java 2 Standard Edition (version >= 1.4.1)
- Java3D API (version >= 1.3.1)
- VRML Java Loader
A running version of Java3D RoboSim can be downloaded
as source collection (tar.gz)
Installation instructions:
The whole installation procedure is referred to a UNIX environment;
for MS Windows installation the procedure is the same and can be made using
To decompress "tar.gz " archives under MS Windows use WinZip (version
>= 7.0).
Installing J2SE SDK:
- Please read Sun's official documentation
Installing VRML loader:
- copy vrml97.jar into $JAVA/jre/lib/ext (where $JAVA is the installation
directory of J2SE SDK)
- (e.g.) cp vrml97.jar /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_03/jre/lib/ext/
Preparing RoboSim installation
- create a new directory named "robosim"
- decompress the archive:
- gunzip robosim-v2.0_src.tar.gz
- tar -xvf robosim-v2.0_src.tar
Installing RoboSim (JAR execution):
Installing RoboSim (source compilation):
- compile the source files:
- launch the application
CVS Repository:
The entire filesystem of this project can be downloaded via CVS on
RoboSim project website
For help about CVS (Concurrent Version System) take a look CVS Begin Guide
Sun Java Website, contains a lot of useful informations
Sun Java3D Online Slideshow
Battleship 3D Website, a super game using Java3d
World's best application using Java3D (IMHO)
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